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Cillian Murphy admits he moved back to Ireland because his sons developed ‘posh English accents’

Cillian Murphy has admitted he moved back to Ireland a few years ago because his children had developed “very posh English accents”.

The Peaky Blinders star, his wife Yvonne McGuinness, and their two sons Malachy, 16, and Aran, 14, moved to Dublin in 2015 after spending 14 years living in the UK.

Speaking on the Armchair Expert podcast, the actor explained: “We were in London for 14 years. Both our kids were born there and we only came back to Dublin in 2015.”


“I don’t know, it’s kind of an Irish story to move away, do your thing and come home. That seems to be a common narrative for Irish people.”

“And then we wanted the kids to be Irish. They were sort of at that age where they were pre-teens, they had very posh English accents and I wasn’t appreciating that too much so we decided to come back,” he confessed.

“And you know, parents are at a certain age … it was just a nice time to come home.”

Cillian also admitted he could never imagine living in Los Angeles, unlike a lot of his peers.

He said: “I love visiting and I love the food and I do love the weather. I don’t know, I just feel European. I just feel Irish.”

“I’d feel like a bit of an interloper if I lived in California. I couldn’t envisage living there permanently.”

The Dunkirk actor also opened up about his sons close relationship, and revealed they have the same age gap as him and his own brother.

He said: “My lads definitely kicked the s*** out of each other quite often when they were younger but that’s boys. They’re great pals.”


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