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Khloé Kardashian calls out sister Kim Kardashian as the pair butt heads

Khloé Kardashian has called out sister Kim in the latest episode of The Kardashians.

The pair butted heads after Kim confronted her sister always wanting to spend time with her kids and stay at home.

The Skims founder attempted to “clear the air” before the family went on a family trip to Aspen, Colorado.

Kim and Khloe Kardashian | INSTAGRAM

Kim accused the Good America founder of being “condescending” when it came to critiquing her parenting.

Khloé hit back and called her sister out for her, saying: “It sounds like you’re dealing with a bunch of your own bullshit and you decided to harvest this and build up all this animosity towards me, when this is a you f**king problem,”

“I swear you just wanna project whatever you’re going through and take it out on me, and I can handle it but only for so long.”

“I’m not gonna be here all day, so if you need to slap me or something, do it,” she continued.

Kim and Khloe Kardashian | INSTAGRAM

Khloé insisted to her sister that she “wasn’t trying to shame” her and believed Kim’s comments were her “own insecurity.”

In her confessional, the 43-year-old expressed: “Maybe you wouldn’t have such a stick up your a– … if you lived your life a little bit, it’s just crazy.”

“Interact with other human beings besides the children in your family all day long.”

“We’re great, I know, but you need some other human interaction.”

Kim and Khloe Kardashian

Kim continued to tell her sister: “You need to live your life, you have the world at your finger tips but you go see the world.”

“You won’t let yourself go out there to find someone or even a group of friends.”

“You don’t realize that you sometimes have a stick up your a– and it’s like sometimes you’re like, god, she just needs to get f—ed,” she continued.

“You just need to get away from your kids, a pure getaway!”

Kim and Khloe Kardashian | INSTAGRAM

“You’re fine in Hidden Hills, your kids rule your life. ‘I have a schedule, I have somewhere to be.’ … I feel bad for you.”

She added: “Live your f**king life, get out!”

Khloé, hurt by her sister’s comments, said she’s “such a bitch these days” and stormed out of the room.


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