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Lottie Ryan finally breaks her silence on reports she’s been ‘axed’ from 2FM show

Lottie Ryan has finally broken her silence on reports she’s been “axed” from her RTÉ 2FM show.

The radio host recently took over the Drivetime slot from The 2 Johnnies alongside David O’Reilly, after they announced they would be leaving 2FM last month.

But earlier this week, the Irish Sun reported that Lottie was set to be replaced in the coveted slot by TikTok star Kayleigh Trappe.

Lottie Ryan | Credit: Kieran Harnett

The newspaper claimed that Lottie, who is the daughter of the late 2FM broadcaster Gerry Ryan, was feeling “betrayed” and “used” following the decision.

However, the presenter has since taken to Instagram to set the record straight.

In a statement, Lottie wrote: “I wanted to clear up some recent headlines about my role at 2FM. When it was announced that I would be taking over Drive, it was always agreed between myself and my bosses that this would be for a five-week stint.

“The term ‘summer schedule’ has led to some confusion, implying a 12-week duration.”

“To clarify – the plan was always for a short-term cover, and I knew this from the start. The phrase ‘summer schedule’ has led to all this confusion,” she explained.

“I’m not going anywhere and am very much a part of 2FM. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time with the incredible Drive team and it’s been an absolute joy working with such amazing people.

“Thanks for all the support!” she added, before signing off with: “Lottie X.”

Earlier this week, the Irish Sun reported that TikTok star Kayleigh Trappe could replace Lottie as soon as this Friday.

Kayleigh Trappe

An insider told the outlet: “Lottie was the face of the new 2FM summer schedule but she was really only covering Drivetime for a month.”

“She was shocked then when RTE issued a press release without consulting her and arranged a photo shoot with just 24 hours notice to big up her and co-presenter David O’Reilly as the replacements for The 2 Johnnies.”

“There is a perception it was just spin to distract from Doireann Garrihy and The 2 Johnnies walking away from 2FM.”

An RTE press release stated how they were “strengthening up their schedule, with 2FM home-grown talent Lottie and David”.

The station added: “We have always been programmed with a mix of presenters who have learned their craft here, with some personalities from outside who have built a profile with younger audiences.”

Friends of Lottie claimed the star felt “confused and unprotected” in how they promoted her new show.

The source told the outlet: “Lottie was used by RTE to get them out of a mess of bad publicity.”

“She never had any problem filling in for anybody. She did nine months on Breakfast Republic filling in for Jennifer Zamparelli who was on maternity leave.”

“But this was sold to the country as Lottie finally getting her own show and replacing The 2 Johnnies. She is now going to be axed.”

“If her dad Gerry was around now he’d give RTE an earful over the treatment of his daughter.”

The source continued: “2FM sold this as the new summer schedule. It wasn’t. Lottie will be gone by the start of July and a TikToker will take over her show.”

“It’s devastating for Lottie and her co-host David, who will be going too. Lottie has has spent the last few week’s been congratulated about her new show – and now it’s going to be taken off her.”


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