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RTÉ publishes new five-year strategy – including a smaller workforce and reduced site

RTÉ have published a new five-year strategy, which includes a smaller workforce as well as a reduced site, amongst other changes.

The strategy will begin in 2025 and conclude in 2029 as it sets out a transformational vision that moves the broadcaster from a traditional to a preferred streaming destination of Irish audiences.

The strategy outlined five goals to achieve this transformation as they are “determined to build a strong, modern RTÉ that will play its role in Irish life, that Ireland will be proud of.”

A New Direction: Statement of Strategy (2025 – 2029) set out how, over a five-year period, the broadcaster will respond to the urgent need for transformation

It hopes for the trust in the broadcaster to be restored to ensure the relevance of RTÉ, to audiences and within the sector, into the future.

Speaking on the launch of the strategy, RTÉ Director-General Kevin Bakhurst said: This New Direction strategy is about ensuring the future and the relevance of a transformed RTÉ.”

“It is about delivering a strong and independent public service, available to everyone; it is about creating a trusted organisation delivering for Irish audiences; it is about backing creative ambition and digital innovation; it is about supporting Irish culture and bringing people together; it is about reflecting all of the country and supporting the creative industry across the island.”

Kevin Bakhurst | RTÉ

He continued: “This strategy sets out ambitious change in how we deliver for audiences and how we run the organisation; how we ensure that we deliver value for money and are transparent and accountable.”

It is ambitious – but it is deliverable. It is a plan based on our core values; it is outward looking.”

“We are determined to build a strong, modern RTÉ that will play its role in Irish life, that Ireland will be proud of and that will deliver a better outcome for the public we serve.”


The five goals have been outlined as a way to achieve the required transformation.

Goal 1 looks to engage audiences with high-quality impactful content while goal 2 hopes to provide excellent streaming products and services.

Goal 3 involves diversifying production and supporting sectoral development across Ireland.

The final two goals are met when there is a robust financial management performance and a sustainable, trusted and responsible organisation has been built.


Four key points were outlined in agreement across the public, national, stakeholder and staff surveys.

The first is that RTÉ should become a smaller organisation in pursuit of longer-term financial stability.

The next said more of RTÉ’s programmes should be produced by members of the independent production sector.

Another is RTÉ should make fewer programmes in Dublin and more outside of Dublin.


A final said that RTÉ should increase investment in digital services.

The full strategy can be found at


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