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Eamonn Holmes sparks concern following sudden disappearance from TV show

Eamonn Holmes has sparked concern following a sudden exit from his TV appearance.

The presenter disappeared while live on-air after falling ill suddenly – leaving viewers worried.

The 64-year-old had a double hip replacement in 2016 and back surgery last year following years of chronic pain.

Eamonn Holmes | INSTAGRAM

The journalist was forced to take four months off work at the end of last year to recover from surgery and an injury to his shoulder.

He has daily physio sessions and uses either a cane or wheelchair to get about.

Eamonn presented the GB News Breakfast Show on Tuesday and suddenly became unwell, according to the DailyMail.

He went missing mid-interview, leaving his co-host Isabel Webster to continue the segment.

Eamonn Holmes and Isabel Webster

While his absence was not explained at the time, a GB News spokesperson confirmed Eamonn was forced to leave early due to ill health.

They said: “Eamonn had to finish a little earlier today as he was feeling unwell. He hopes to be back tomorrow.”

Speaking to his followers on Instagram in January, Eamonn opened up in a sit-down video: “Hello there everybody, just to say that after nearly four months away off the telly, I’m back tomorrow.”

“Sounds like a threat doesn’t it! No, I mean you may or may not be aware of what happened to me, I had back surgery, I’ve had disc problems.”

Eamonn Holmes | INSTAGRAM

“I then got some back surgery which affected one of my legs which led to me falling down stairs, which led to me breaking my shoulder.”

“So I had a leg that didn’t work and a shoulder that didn’t work and lots of other things in between but here I am.”

“I feel there are only so many box sets that I can watch and recommend to you – I’m not better, but I’m better than I was.”

“And I’ve decided to make an attempt to go back to work, on GB News from tomorrow on the basis that work will hopefully heal me.”

Eamonn Holmes | INSTAGRAM

“Any of you that are long-term sick or in any way convalescing particularly at home will know that there’s a lot of frustration involved in it.”

“For me, I think I’m going to give it a go, be back to work and hopefully get better as a result of doing day-to-day things.”

“So on a day-to-day basis all I need is you to be there, GB News, with Isabel, from tomorrow, from 6 through to 9.30 am, hope you can join me,” he concluded.


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