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Brian McFadden fears getting fat and 'looking like Susan Boyle'

Weight-conscious Brian McFadden has forced himself to the gym – as he’s afraid of bloating up and looking like Susan Boyle again.

The Dublin star admits he was so fat he looked like the Britain’s Got Talent winner during the early days of Westlife.

Now the 33-year-old wants to buff up after returning home to Ireland – and has already started getting rid of his man boobs.

But Brian admits he fears losing interest in his health regime and turning into a “fat mess” again.

He said: “There must be something in the air over here, I’ve changed. I even go to the gym.

“My man boobs have pecked up a little bit now. I haven’t always had a decent body, in those early Westlife days I looked like Susan Boyle.


Fear: Brian worries about turning into Susan Boyle

“So I always go through that phase where I say, ‘I’m going to the gym’ and then in six weeks time you’ll talk to me and I’ll be a fat mess again.”

And Brian admitted that he’s already seen himself pulled away from his gym routine down to the golf course.

He said: “I’ve been playing a lot of golf – I’ve been chilling and relaxing and just enjoying the break I’ve been having at the start of the year.”

And Brian – who is married to Fade Street beauty Vogue McFadden – has been back on the bottle for St Patrick’s Day.

Speaking on Australian radio, he added: “We’ve been having a usual St Patrick’s Day over in Ireland – there’s been lots of drinking.

“But I don’t wear a hat, it would mess up my hair. An Irish football jersey instead. My wife is walking around in a Borat-style green mankini.”


Couple: Brian with wife Vogue McFadden

And Brian revealed he plans to release another album before heading on holiday to Australia – despite last record, The Irish Connection, only hitting No75 in the charts.

He added: “I’ve been doing a lot of television over here, there’s a lot of shows that we’re just starting in the summer.

“I’m also making a new album… I’ve got a lot of work here – but I definitely want to go back to Australia. Myself and Vogue have been talking about it.

“We want to come back some time this year, but I’d say it would be more later this year than now. But I’m missing it.”


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