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Jenny Greene on working with Nicky Byrne: 'I thought putting us together was a joke'

2Fm star Jenny Greene has revealed thought it was a joke when she found out she was being paired with Nicky Byrne.

The radio show has been a massive success and recently celebrated one year on the air – but Jenny wasn’t always convinced it would work.

“When I heard about it, I thought it was a bit of a joke,” she said.

“They had asked me to come in to 2fm late one night and they said, ‘Don’t tell anyone you’re coming in.'”

2fm Nicky Byrne Show with Jenny Greene Birthday 13

Say what: Jenny thought being paired with Nicky was a joke | TONY KINLAN

“All the lights were off in the studio and Nicky was sitting there in a tracksuit.”

Jenny also revealed the station tried him out with several other co-presenters before she landed the coveted gig.

Meanwhile, the radio star insisted she is nobody’s sidekick even though the show is called The Nicky Byrne Show with Jenny Greene.

“It’s very 50/50. Obviously I wanted that to be the case,” she said.

2fm summer launch 6

Dynamic Duo: Jenny doesn’t think she’s a sidekick | BRIAN MCEVOY

“I’m not a sidekick and I never have been.  I think we have both found our roles and it works,” she told the RTE Guide.

“If there isn’t a bit of chemistry, then it’s an effort, but it’s not an effort which is great.”


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