
WATCH: Donald Trump is NOT happy with Saturday Night Live

The show took another pop at the entrepreneur

Donald Trump is not happy with Saturday Night Live as they perform another skit based on the him.

The sketch show is known for poking fun at the recent presidential election in the U.S. and have often made fun of Hillary Clinton too.

Since her loss, Saturday Night Live paid tribute to Hillary with an emotional cold opening – but Donald hasn’t been given the same sympathy.

In the skit, Alec Baldwin returns as Donald dressed in his classic red tie and swept over blonde hair.

Set when Donald is the President Of America, he is obviously overwhelmed with a huge backlog of work with constant requests from various staff.

The father-of-five was not happy with how he was portrayed on the show and took to Twitter to voice his annoyance.

The entrepreneur hit out at the show and called it “biased” and “one-sided.”

“I watched parts of Saturday Night Live last night. It is a totally one-sided, biased show – nothing funny at all. Equal time for us?”

Since winning the election, Bono has asked for Donald to make gender equality a priority once he becomes president.
