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Fourth contestant for the 2024 Love Island lineup ‘confirmed’

The fourth contestant for the 2024 Love Island lineup “confirmed” as influencer Patsy Field.

The 29-year-old will become the latest contestant with a disability to star on the hit dating show.

The influencer will joins three singletons already rumoured to join the lineup and jet off to Majorca in the coming days before the series returns on June 3rd.

Patsy Field | Instagram

A insider told MailOnline: “Patsy is a brilliant signing for the show, she’s hilarious so will definitely bring good vibes and positive energy.”

“She has never let her disability define her but she’s also excited for the opportunity to educate audiences who might not know about Erb’s palsy because awareness is key.”

The influencer was born with Erb’s palsy, which was developed during her traumatic birth- as she revealed she should have been born via cesarean, but was born naturally following doctors errors.

The resulted in a defect which she has had to overcome her entire life as her condition means her right arm is shorter and unable to function as well as her left.

Patsy Field | Instagram

Patsy previously took to social media to speak about her condition, she explained: “One thing you guys don’t know about me is I have a disability.”

“I have never spoken about it on here before because I am a bit self-conscious about it to be honest.”

“It is a disability I’ve literally had since birth. All my close friends and family know about it.”

“Pretty much everyone says they don’t notice it, or they have never noticed it before but once I tell you go back and look through my old videos, you’ll be able to spot it.”

Patsy Field | Instagram

She continued: “So, the disability affects my right arm, I was a normal, happy, healthy baby in my mama’s womb and the hospital f***ed up and gave me a disability, Lewisham hospital, you f***ers.”

“I should have been a cesarean birth, but the midwife thought she could do it and she couldn’t… I was such a big baby, I was almost 11lb, a normal baby is like 7lb.”

“I got stuck coming out of my mum… and they’re pulling and pulling and pulling and in the process of yanking me out, they have done some damage,” she explained.

“They snapped the nerve that sends messages down from my brain down my spine to my right arm, messages are trying to send, and this computer says no.”

Patsy Field | Instagram

“As a result, I have a disability called Erb’s Palsy and my arm never grew as much and it doesn’t do anything really, they are completely different lengths.”

She admitted: “I like to call it my Nemo lucky fin. It is smaller, a different shape and is more bent than the other one. I managed to avoid any bullying, luckily, I’m a confident girl.”

“I don’t think it’s held me back too much. I do remember being at school and watching all the girls do their handstands and I’d be like anyone for headstands?”

“The only thing it affects these days is I only have one hand to use in the bedroom,” she added.

Makeup artist Samantha Kenny was the third contestant “confirmed” for the summer series of Love Island.

Last week, Manchester-based model Grace Jackson was “confirmed” as the second contestant for this year’s Love Island.

As The Sun revealed Ciaran Davies as the first contestant “confirmed” to appear on the show this summer.


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