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Irish Influencers Ciara Ryan and Eabha O’Donoghue admit they used to ‘hate each other’

Irish Influencers Ciara Ryan and Eabha O’Donoghue have admitted they used to “hate each other.”

While the duo are now best friends, they have revealed that their friendship had rocky beginnings.

On the podcast Hold my Drink with Charleen Murphy and Ellie Kelly, they admitted “we started off as frenemies.”

The pair were asked by Charleen and Ellie how they met, as they said: “How long are you friends because you are from the same area?”

Ciara confessed: “Well, we started off as frenemies, kind of.”

Eabha added “Yeah I wasn’t Ciara’s biggest fan, but she probably wasn’t mine,” as the makeup artist confirmed: “Yeah I hated Eabha.”

The hosts shocked exclaimed: “What! No way. Why? What happened?”

Eabha O’Donoghue and Ciara Ryan | INSTAGRAM

Ciara explained: “She used to kiss my ex-boyfriend.”

The model, joking, said: “I feel like this guy get brought up every single time and he gets way too much air time.”

The makeup artist continued to explain why the two started off on the wrong foot.

She said: “When we were younger, I had a boyfriend that was in her year because she was a year below me in school.”

Eabha O’Donoghue | INSTAGRAM

Eabha added: “And I used to fancy this boy.”

Then, Ciara said: “If we broke up, she’d kiss him. So she was like the ‘other woman’.”

“I think we broke up a few times and got back together. So she was like the girl in the younger year that used to kiss my ex.”

Eabha continued: “The last time they broke up, I kissed him and I actually felt kind of bad because I started speak to Ciara.”

Ciara Ryan | INSTAGRAM

“I don’t even think you ever knew, did you?,” she asked her friend.

Ciara confirmed: “No, I absolutely didn’t. I found out afterwards, but I kinda knew. I had a feeling they were kissing when we break up.”

Ellie asked: “Was that years ago?”

They replied: “Yeah we were like 16/ 17, but we’ve know each other since we were 12/13.”

Eabha O’Donoghue and Ciara Ryan | INSTAGRAM

The pair are often in the same circles attending the same events together.

After completing a crash course in makeup, Ciara kick-started landed her dream job in MAC Cosmetics.

After finishing school, Eabha began to focus on her modelling career.


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