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Muireann O’Connell reveals how she copes with people ‘hating her on the internet’

Muireann O’Connell has revealed how she copes with online trolls, admitting there’s worse things in the world than people “hating you on the internet”.

As one of Ireland’s most well-known TV presenters, the Ireland AM host has been subject to plenty of hate on social media.

Speaking to the Irish Independent, the Limerick native said: “That’s what social media has become and however you choose to interact with it is, I suppose, a reflection of your life.”

Muireann O’Connell | Brian McEvoy

“Some people use it as an outlet. Some people use it as a place to be angry and maybe that gets their anger out so they’re not as angry in their everyday, real life.

“I think people like having an opinion and they’re fully allowed to express it,” she continued.

“What I do – and sometimes I forget to do – and I’ve been doing this for a long time, is if there is something that has really gotten to me, I will write a reply that says all of the words that I’m not allowed to say and then I delete it.

“It’s out of me, so I get it out of my head. I do it that way.”

“I’m like, ‘OK, I’ve said what I wanted to say, I don’t have to put that out in the world’, but I feel like it has left my body so I don’t have to carry that negativity around.

“In all fairness, a bit of criticism, I think there’s bigger (things). I am incredibly lucky. I’m a very, very lucky and privileged person, I have a lovely job, I work with absolutely delightful human beings.

“I have a smile on my face most days and you know, there’s bigger things in the world than people hating you on the internet,” Muireann added.


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