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Bono comes face-to-face with the men who burgled his dad's home in the PUB

Bono has revealed he met the robbers who burgled his dad’s home – while drinking in a pub.

The Dublin rocker has revealed how he came face-to-face with the burglars who robbed his dad’s house.

The U2 legend also told how he was approached recently in a Dublin bar by two men.

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Confronted: The burglers approached Bono in a Dublin bar | VIPIRELAND.COM

They confessed they were responsible for a string of break-ins at the Glasnevin home of his father Bob, who died of cancer in 2001.

Bono recounted: “They said, ‘All right, Paul. Cedarwood, yeah? The house opposite the Grove, yeah? Your dad lived there on his own? The telly went a few times, the stereo?’

“‘But you know we never made a mess, right? I was banging up a bit of the old gear and we figured you could afford it’.”

U2 - Songs Of Innocence2_photo credit_PAOLO PELLEGRIN

Inspired: Bono used tough upbringing to write new music

The singer recalled the impact of growing up on such a tough street in song Cedarwood Road on the new U2 album.

The frontman told Mojo magazine things got so bad in the area, his opera-loving dad used to go to bed with an iron bar under his pillow.

Bono said: “Some of the strongest memories I have of my teenage life are the hidings I received and the hidings I gave out.

“The sense of civil war was imminent. Sometimes I feel like I’m still on that street.”


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