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Chloe Madeley reveals why she split from James Haskell and admits their relationship ‘was f***ing awful’

Chloe Madeley has revealed why she split from James Haskell and admitted that their relationship “was f***ing awful.”

The fitness guru and former rugby player announced their split in October 2023, after a decade together and five years of marriage.

The 36-year-old has opened up about the reason for their separation and confessed that their relationship making them feel “awful” and “miserable.”

Chloe admitted that the couple, who share daughter Bodhi, 21 months, found the break-up “hard at the beginning” despite their issues.

She told OK! Magazine: “I’m never going to go into great detail about why we broke up because it’s not fair on anyone and I wouldn’t want him to either, but what I will say is it was f***ing awful.”

“Part of the reason we wanted to end it was because we wanted it to stop being awful, so why would we then take that into a break-up and it continue being awful.”

“It was hard at the beginning. You have to work at it like everything in life and we’ve really done that.”

The daughter of TV stars Richard and Judy went onto admit she fell into situational depression following their split.

Chloe confessed: “I’ve actually never had depression before obviously it was very circumstantial so I didn’t realise when people say ‘I can’t’ do something, you really just can’t.”

“Friends would say, ‘come over and have dinner’, but I couldn’t, I couldn’t even reply to emails. Other than taking care of Bodhi I wasn’t really doing any real self-care.”

It comes after Chloe spoke about their reality show Chloe Madeley: A Family Affair, which let the public into their family home shortly before the split.

During an appearance on Loose Women, she said: “A lot happens behind closed doors that wasn’t on the show but it’s amazing how many people picked up on it.”

“We thought we had done a good job but obviously not.”

Reflecting on their split, she added: “I think there’s pillars that hold up a relationship such as love and respect.”

“Over time all of our pillars disintegrated and when that happens there is no saving it. We get on better now we aren’t romantically together.”

“Since we parted ways our relationship has become very respectful and we love each other as friends.”

“One of the things that was hard was him being away so much DJing like four or five nights a week but that works for us now because I get my time alone and then he comes back and has his time with Bodhi.”

“I’m happier now than I have ever been and he is happy too. There were horrible weeks when I struggled to get out of bed but once I drew a line, I was ok.”

“I want James to be happy, I want Bodhi to be happy and I want to be happy.”


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