
Kathy Griffin SLAMS Ellen DeGeneres: ‘She has a mean streak’

The comedian reveals America's sweetheart is not so sweet

Kathy Griffin has slammed Ellen DeGeneres and claimed that she has “a mean streak.”

The comedian has written a memoir, Kathy Griffin’s Celebrity Run-Ins: My A–Z Index, in which she details her experiences with various stars – both mean and complimentary.

“I’m almost positive a certain beloved daytime talk show host once had me kicked out of a backstage dressing room at the Emmy Awards,” she wrote.

“I can’t prove it, but this person, who has short blonde hair, has a mean streak that all of Hollywood knows about.”

Kathy later revealed who she was talking about in her memoir to be Finding Nemo star Ellen.

“Ellen did a monologue about how mean I am. I was in the dressing room like, ‘S***! You’re another woman comic, c’mon!’,” she told US Weekly.

“I don’t know if Ellen gets that when I talk about women, I’m joking.

“I just feel really strongly about women supporting each other, especially women over 50 and women in comedy, because the people who still make decisions are still middle-aged white guys.

“We have to be better at not turning on each other.”
