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Fans mistakenly think Arnold Schwarzenegger is dead after emergency surgery

Arnold Schwarzenegger underwent emergency open heart surgery which prompted some fans to assume the worst and post premature tributes to that star as if he had died.

The bodybuilder was having a less invasive procedure in Cedars-Sinai to replace a catheter valve he had put installed in 1997.

It was never meant to be permanent and had to be replaced but the surgery he underwent, which TMZ report is somewhat experimental, ran in to complications leading to open heart surgery to be necessary.

#tbt to when I was 16, before I ever competed.

A post shared by Arnold Schwarzenegger (@schwarzenegger) on

Fans took to the Terminator’s Instagram following the surgery to post messages as if he had died.

“proteinisbaeRest In Peace Arnold ????????????”


Thankfully he’s survived and is on the mend.

A rep for the actor turned mayor told TMZ his first words when he woke up post surgery were “I’m back!”

…Of course they were.


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