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Made In Chelsea’s Millie Mackintosh opens up about struggles and admits she feels like she’s ‘failing’

Made In Chelsea’s Millie Mackintosh has opened up about her struggles and admitted that she feels like she’s “failing.”

The mother-of-two has opened up about the “unfiltered side of life, motherhood and wellness” for a second time.

The 34-year-old who shares two daughters with her fellow former MIC star husband Hugo Taylor revealed that she “loved the open and honest conversations on my last life realities post.”


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Millie joined in on the new trend where you showcase the reality of your life compared to what you show on social media for a second time.

The mother-of-two said: “Social media can be fake sometimes… So here’s some realities I don’t always share.”

The reality star opened up about how she often doesn’t encompass the mother she “wants to be.”

In her first confession, Millie wrote: “Raising young children can be challenging for any relationship, but I’m happy that we’ve both dedicated ourselves to nurturing and strengthening our bond.”

“The grass is always greener where you water it.”

The TV personality continued: “Breakfast time with the girls has become a bit of a hurdle lately. They used to love their morning meals, but now it’s like pulling teeth to get them eat.”

“Funny enough, they suddenly become hungry right as we’re about to step out the door.”

In her third confession, she wrote: “I keep noticing more grey hairs, and they’re inching their way closer to the top of my head.”

“I really want to be one of those people who welcomes the changes that come with age, I’m not quite there yet.”

Millie’s next confession: “Our renovation got pushed back by six weeks, which means it won’t be ready in time for Sienna to start school.”

“It’s been quite stressful, but I’m reframing it and staying positive. I feel so lucky for the opportunity to renovate our home, so even though the wait was longer than expected, I know it’ll be worth it in the end.”

Millie continued: “I’m definitely feeling a bit sentimental as Aurelia grows older. I adore her current age, but the idea of her being my last baby makes me so sad.”

Millie admitted: “Carrying her is starting to strain my back, yet I find it hard to say no because what if she stops asking?”

She continued: “Lately, I’ve been dealing with quite a few breakouts, I’ve been trying to manage them with laser genesis treatments, but it really knocks my confidence when my skin isn’t looking its best.”

In her last confession, Millie said: “Aurelia’s neediness is leading to Sienna feeling jealous quite often, and it’s becoming challenging to navigate and balance both of their emotions.”

“Sometimes it makes me feel like I am failing.”


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