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Michael Fassbender brushes off leaked Sony emails

Michael Fassbender has refused to let the comments made by Aaron Sorkin to phase him.

In a Sony email, Aaron sent a private message to Scott Rudin discussing the casting for the Steve Job’s biopic.

That message was leaked by hackers along with a number of emails with scathing comments about a number of actors including our very own Michael Fassbender.

Irish premiere of Frank at The Lighthouse Cinema

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Speaking about the scandal Michael said he didn’t let the drama affect his performance in the highly anticipated movie.

“It’s whatever. People have opinions. The Internet is the Internet. I have a job to do, so I just get on with that,” he told AP.

In the leaked emails director Aaron said he had no idea who the Irish star was.

“I don’t know who Michael Fassbender is and the rest of the world isn’t going to care,” Aaron wrote at the time.


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