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Eamon Farrell reveals: 'Listening to Colin talk about the bullying I went through was tough'

Eamon Farrell has revealed Colin Farrell’s speech about his bullying hell brought up horrible memories.

Colin spoke on RTE’s The Claire Byrne Show about the physical and verbal abuse Eamon suffered at the hands of thugs for being openly gay in Ireland.

“Colin’s support has been fantastic – when he was speaking about all the bullying I went through it was hard to listen to.

Steven Mannion exhibition at Saison

Hard to hear: Eamon revealed it was difficult to relive his brutal bullying memories | VIPIRELAND.COM

“I don’t like to think about it or talk about it and I am a really lucky and happy person.

“I have a fabulous job, a great business partner, a lovely husband, I have a wonderful life.

“And then Colin was on The Claire Byrne Show live via a video link which was tough in itself as it would be nice to have my little brother here beside me.

teven Mannion exhibits his 'Red Collection' art

Bullying: Eamon, pictured with his husband Stephen Mannion, revealed he tries not to think about the tough times when he was bullied | VIPIRELAND.COM

“And then he spoke about it and you know when someone has a different memory than you?

“Part of that was because I try not to think about those times ever, so listening to him talking about it was really tough,” he told The Mirror.

Launching the #cupforlove campaign to show support for Marriage Equality, Eamon admitted he still feels marginalised as his six-year marriage to Stephen Mannion is not recognised here.

Eamon Farrell has a belated wedding reception

Support: Eamon admits that Colin has been a huge support for him | VIPIRELAND.COM

The 47-year-old revealed: “Colin gets it – he knows it is about love and nothing else.

“He has been around me long enough and my husband Stephen to know this is a positive step.


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