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Mental Health patient makes formal complaint against Al Porter

Al Porter could now face a Garda investigation after a patient from St Patrick’s Mental Health Services made a formal complaint.

The comedian visited the facility back in 2015, and now a former patient has said he was harassed by the star.

The patient, who is a student in his mid 20s, and has since been discharged, claimed that Al kissed him and “put his hand on my crotch at least twice, outside my trousers”.

Photo: G. McDonnell

When the claims were initially published in the Sunday Times, St Patrick’s issued a statement to say that no allegations had been made.

But now they have said they are investigating.

“Since issuing that press release, SPMHS has received such a complaint. The organisation is currently investigating the complaint in line with its policies and procedures,” a spokesperson for the hospital said.

“There will not be any further press releases or statements by SPMHS regarding this matter until that investigation is complete.”

Al officially resigned from Today FM over the weekend, and TV3 did not air a repeat episode of Blind Date, which he hosts.


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