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The Kardashian effect! Irish Fairy Door company reveal MASSIVE boost in revenue

The Irish Fairy Door company has revealed that their revenues have increased by 50%, after their product was endorsed by Kourtney Kardashian last last year.

Back in December, Kourtney posted two pictures of her son’s personalised Irish Fairy Door on her Snapchat story – despite not being paid to do so.

Speaking to RTÉ Entertainment, company director and co-founder Niamh Sherwin Barry said, “Being featured on Kourtney Kardashian’s social media has helped us with awareness of our product in the USA.”

“They are such an incredibly influential family and having one of our fairy doors appear on Kourtney’s Snapchat story was really wonderful for us. We knew we had sent them the door a year previously but there was no guarantee that they would even receive it so we were crossing our fingers.”

“So seeing it pop up on Kourtney’s Snapchat after that amount of time was a very pleasant surprise, and seemed to show they had been enjoying the magic of Irish Fairy Doors the whole time – there was great excitement in Fairy HQ that day!”

The company, which started selling products in August 2013, has sold 500,000 fairy doors to date worldwide.

“If she had tagged us it would have been a complete game changer for us. Having said that, it gives us great bargaining power when we’re sitting in front of retailers, particularly in the US, to say that the Kardashians have one of these, so from that point of view it’s absolutely invaluable to us”, she said.

“The Kardashians are the most influential family in the world and not only have they featured us on their social media, but there’s a potential for us to feature again because of the nature of the product.”

“I’m sure if were to offer her 200,000 grand she would endorse it, but obviously we’re not in that position! But it was wonderful for us.”

The Irish Fairy Door company have also landed a contract with Toys ‘R’ in the US, UK and Australia recently – which is sure to boost their profits even further.


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