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How to be an ally of the LGBTQIA+ community by supporting the Pinky Promise for Pride campaign

Stephen Byrne has teamed up with Image Now to launch the Pinky Promise for Pride campaign, in collaboration with ShoutOut.

On Pride Weekend (24 – 26 June), they’re asking people to paint their pinky finger in an act of solidarity with the LGBTQIA+ community, calling for an end to shame, persecution and inequality.

While Ireland has taken great societal strides in terms of accepting the LGBTQIA+ community with 2015 seeing the introduction of Marriage Equality and legal gender recognition, there is still further to go.

The team at Image Now has been outraged that the LGBTQIA+ community continues to suffer so much ignorance, bullying, exclusion, shaming and persecution.

While many of these events have occurred across the world, in countries like Hungary and Saudi Arabia, they were deeply saddened by incidents in Ireland, with the recent loss of life in Sligo and the documented homophobic and transphobic attacks across the country.

Image Now’s Creative Director, Éanna O’Shea, felt compelled to act and decided to help boost awareness through a creative campaign.

He thought of the artwork and self-expression that comes with nail art and the instantly recognisable idea that a pinky promise represents.

The #pinkypromise campaign concept and all associated artwork was crafted and created by Éanna and the Image Now design team, in collaboration with ShoutOut.

Image Now is also proud to have their longstanding partner and client Mink Hand & Nail Salon collaborate with them on their second #pinkypromise campaign.

After 10 years of presenting behind him (from Two Tube to 2fm), Stephen Byrne walked away from his role in RTÉ in April 2022.

Along with looking to new horizons, Stephen is taking an active role as ambassador with ShoutOut, hosting workshops at secondary schools and heading up the Pinky Promise for Pride campaign.

Stephen said: “After an incredibly difficult year for the LGBTQIA+ community in Ireland this year’s Pride feels different in many ways. Pride for many people is a party but at its core it is still a protest.”

“As someone who has suffered from targeted physical abuse because of my sexuality, I wanted to be part of the protest, to be part of the change and to be part of the prevention.”

“It’s been an honour to witness the work of ShoutOut first hand in schools and I’m delighted to be part of the Pinky Promise campaign this year.”

“Being an ally is more important than ever so get involved this year and let’s raise some money for an incredible service that helps so many young LGBTQIA+ people all over Ireland,” he added.

How To Get Involved

The Promise: To be an ally, to stand with your family, friends and colleagues, to be more aware and to better support our LGBTQIA+ community.

The Paint: Paint your pinky! Paint it your favourite colour, paint a flag, paint a heart, paint anything you want to express yourself and show you will stand up for equality.

The Picture: Share your nail art creations online using #pinkypromise and let’s spread messages of alliance and solidarity throughout Pride Weekend 2022.

The Pledge: Donate €4 to ShoutOut and help them deliver LGBTQIA+ Educational Programmes to schools across Ireland.


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