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Danny O'Donoghue reveals crash victim he rescued asked for a SELFIE after he saved her life

Dublin singer Danny O’Donoghue has revealed the woman he saved from a dramatic crash, was actually a fan of The Script.

Danny and his bandmates were dubbed heroes last week when they dragged a woman from a car that crashed right in front of them on a motorway in Manchester.

But once the woman was safe and sound, Danny said she asked for selfies.

“Fifteen  minutes later the shock  came down and she was  like, ‘Don’t I know you?’,
then the penny dropped  and she was like, ‘Oh my  God’.

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Heroes: The band helped a woman to safety | VIPIRELAND.COM

“We got a picture with her before she  headed off,” Danny said.

“The funny thing is people were tweeting,  ‘I think I just saw The Script pulling a  woman from a crashed car’.

“We were like, ‘Stop tweeting and come  help’,” he told the Mirror.

But Danny played down the rescue, saying anyone one else would have done the same thing.

“We were being hailed as massive heroes  but anybody would have done the same
thing,” he told said.


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