
Bono’s daughter Jordan: ‘I won’t let dad near my company’

Jordan Hewson has admitted that while her father is one of the world’s most influential people, she won’t let him anywhere near her new business venture.

As the U2 frontman’s eldest daughter, Jordan founded tech start-up Speakable, based in the US, which just launched Action Button.

The Action Button will be used on news sites to allow readers to instantly respond to stories by donating to a cause, signing a petition or taking a poll.

“Dad is a good resource, but I try to keep him away from the company as much as possible,” Jordan told the Irish Sun.


Success: Jordan is making a name for herself – without her father’s help | INSTAGRAM

While having 56-year-old Bono as a father is great in terms of opportunity, Jordan admitted that it will only get you so far.

“Obviously I grew up with a lot of opportunity and connections, but ultimately, that will only get you in the door once with a person.

“That’s never going to influence how successful our product is.”

The 27-year-old was inspired to develop the Action Button after reading an article about Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani schoolgirl who was shot by the Taliban – which directed her to a petition link to support access to education for young girls.

“I never clicked on the link. Ten minutes later, I thought, ‘If I’m not going to sign this, who will?’

Speakers at The Web Summit Day 3

Family: Jordan keeps dad Bono away from her business | VIPIRELAND.COM

“I started to think about the barriers that exist to taking action and engaging with content. If we make it easier to affect the things people care about, it will be more likely they will actually do something.”

The brunette also told how the product should strike a chord with our current generation.

“Millennials have different expectations of digital content. They want to do more than read headlines — they want to change headlines,” she added.
