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Twink breaks down on live radio as she reveals she may lose her family house

Twink broke down on Brendan O’Connor’s show on RTE Radio One this morning as she told the radio presenter that she may lose her house due to financial problems.

The panto star revealed that in recent years, her house has become a “financial crucifix”.

“It was the home I bought my children up in, was married to David in. People say ‘Oh you should just sell it’ but it’s not that easy. If it was I’d be gone in the morning,” she explained.

twink chloe

Mother and Daughter: Twink and Daughter Chloe who grew up in the Georgian townhouse

The mother of two raised her daughters Chloe and Naomi with ex husband David Agnew in the house.

Adele also revealed that she has considered selling he Dublin Georgian town house and moving to a more manageable property.

“I have looked at smaller places to try and downsize and get rid of the financial crucifix it is. But anyone who owns an old house or listed building will tell you it’s like the film The Money Pit. There’s a humorous side to it as well as the dour side.

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Dertmined: Twink will not give up the property without a fight | VIPIRELAND.COM

“Short of winning the lotto… I mean, don’t get used to me not being in the papers about it because I always will be. It’s a cross around my neck”.

Twink later revealed that she has been working incredibly hard in an attempt to try and save her house and keep it for her future family:

“I’m working all the hours God gave me to sort of keep it week to week, month to month. And that’s literally the way it is. I foresee having to part with it which will – Oh my God, I can’t even talk about it – break my heart, break my heart.”


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