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Miriam O'Callaghan admits: 'I practised my TV lines in the bathroom mirror'

Broadcasting pro Miriam O’Callaghan has admitted she used to practice her lines in the bathroom mirror so she wouldn’t mess up on TV.

The RTE star recalled a mortifying incident when presenter Brian Farrell made a blunder in front of the camera.

“A film went down and there were no guests in studio, he froze for three whole minutes,” she said.

The cringe-worthy moment motivated Miriam to rush home to her bathroom mirror to prevent any similar mishaps befalling her.

miriam choker

Camera ready: Miriam rehearses in front of the mirror

“So I went home and practised in front of the bathroom mirror,” she revealed.

While the TV presenter may be worried about people tuning in to see her mess up her lines – most have been glued to the screens to see if the mother-of-eight will wear her infamous choker again.

The Prime Time host caused an online stir when she sported the fashion forward look but Miriam told the criticism didn’t bother her one bit.


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