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Graham Norton opens up about love life: 'I'm not sure if I'm built to share my life'

TV star Graham Norton has admitted he doesn’t want to find a husband – and expects to die alone.

The BBC presenter said it is hard to be in a gay relationship when there is one partner who is “much more successful than the other” – as it leads the other to be “emasculated”.

He said: “I meet sweet guys who are drawn to my wealth and lifestyle — the linen napkins, oysters, a celebrity party, first class travel. But slowly their enjoyment starts to sour.

Graham Norton and Boyfriend

Former love: Graham and ex Trevor Patterson | VIPIRELAND.COM

“Every man, no matter how young and fey, has some alpha in them.

“Where the pretty young woman who marries a fat, ugly billionaire can find her role in having babies and playing hostess, my boyfriends find themselves emasculated.”

And the Cork-born star said in his autobiography he now expects to die by himself, surrounded by newspaper clippings of top moments from his career.

He added: “I have to ask myself if I really want the ‘happy ever after’ and the answer seems to be no. I’m not sure I’m built for sharing my entire life and heart.

Graham Norton Show

Single: And Graham doesn’t want a life partner | BBC

“Being with someone should double your joy and yet I find it halved. I’m not saying being alone makes me happy but I’m not sad, and that seems like quite a lot in life.

“I have a vision of being very old, surrounded by tarnished awards and yellowing press clippings.

“That is when I’ll fall madly in love with a beautiful Brazilian nurse because of his flair when performing a bed bath.

“Maybe we’ll marry and the very next day I can die happy, knowing that for those brief few hours I had a life partner.”


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