Tina O’Brien was caught up in a viscous brawl with teenage girls outside her home in Manchester last week.
A video published by The Sun shows the Coronation Street star trying to break up a row between the two girls last Friday, before she was dragged into it herself.
A source told the outlet: “Tina came out to break things up — but ended up joining in. At one point, it ended up three-on-one with Tina and two girls against this other lass.”
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“Watching her on Coronation Street, you wouldn’t think in a million years she’d get involved in something like this, especially in such a public place.”
The 40-year-old lives in Manchester with her husband Adam Crofts, 37, their son Beau, 8, and daughter Scarlett, 14, whom she co-parents with her ex Ryan Thomas.
It’s understood the fight broke out near Tina’s home in Bramhall, where she’s been plagued by problems in the area.
The shocking video footage shows the actress telling the girls to “get away from the f****** house.”
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The source continued: “When you see Tina on the soap and then you see this video — it’s not what you’d expect from her. It’s shocking she’s got caught up in a fight with 15-year-olds.
“You also wouldn’t expect this to happen in that road, as it’s a really posh street in a nice area.”
“Tina has been plagued by problems near her house and, on this occasion, came out to try to deal with it.
“Some girls travelled to her road and were close to her house so she felt she was defending herself and her home.”
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A spokesperson for Tina has now said: “Tina was the victim of an unprovoked incident outside her home which she has reported to the police.”
The Greater Manchester Police also confirmed: “Officers are investigating reports of an assault in the Stockport area between 8pm and 9pm on March 15 2024.”
The actress joined Coronation Street as Sarah Platt in 1999, until she took a break from the show in 2008.
Following her stint on the BBC drama Waterloo Road, Tina returned to the cobbles in 2015.