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Irish influencer Lucy Fitz reveals she’s ‘traumatised’ after being viciously attacked by a dog

Lucy Fitz has revealed she’s mentally “traumatised” after being viciously attacked by a dog.

The Irish influencer, who currently lives in Barcelona with her boyfriend Dylan Fitzharris, shared the gruesome story via Instagram on Monday.

She penned: “Just back from hospital after my neighbour’s dog took a chunk from my leg.”

“It’s the most gruesome thing I’ve ever witnessed, I couldn’t believe it was on my leg,” Lucy continued.

“In our square where we live, the dog was OFF THE LEAD even though he attacked me last year too.”

“The owner is delusional and thinks her dog isn’t vicious (which he isn’t to a lot of people) but he absolutely hates me and Bruno.”

“He literally locked eyes with me from about 7 metres away and just went for me??? It was so traumatising.”

“I had Bonny in her carrier bag on my shoulder and she got loose and everything, when I got free I ran across the square to grab her. The crator was petrified.”

“Thank God for Dylan picking up Bruno a few seconds before because Bruno would 100% be gone now if he didn’t do that.”

“I’m just happy my 2 are okay. I keep thinking about all the different scenarios that could have happened and I’m v grateful that this was the case, because honestly it could have been so so much worse.”

“I’ve been in this apartment for 2 years and everyday for 2 years I have thought about that dog. Every time I leave my apartment I listen to see if the coast is clear (he lives underneath us), when I come back into the building I look in the window before opening the door, EVERY TIME.”

“The mental STRAIN this dog has caused me over my time here… I’ve always said to Dylan I couldn’t wait to leave and move just so I don’t have to think about him ever again or have the absolute fear of my life that one day he gets Bruno or Bonny!”

“What are the chances that it happens the first day of the month I’m moving out.”

“Please, if you know your dog is vicious (even if it just happened one time before) please please put a muzzle or at least always keep them on a lead.”

“That dog has scarred Bruno so much that anytime we pass one of his breed on the street Bruno tries to hide behind my legs or jump up into my arms. I’m the same, my heart sinks with fear when I see one.”


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