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Bressie and Eoghan McDermott embark on a 5 day cycling trip in Scotland

Best buds Bressie and Eoghan McDermott have set off on a 5 day cycling trip across Scotland.

The pair set off on Monday and they will cycle across the highlands while battling the wind and rain.

“Cycle day 1 done. Behind that soft boyband exterior @eoghanmcdermo is one tough cookie. 100km in wind and rain,” Bressie tweeted.


Dripping: Eoghan and Bressie cycling around Scotland | TWITTER

The lads have been having some fun on social media about the trip with daily updates about bum sores to weather conditions and the scenic route.

“Your arse will be quite chimpanzee tomorrow,” Niall joked at Eoghan.

On Day 2 the pair were greeted by snow capped mountains as they cycled a grueling 40 miles across the highlands.


Wintery: Scotland is experiencing cold weather conditions | TWITTER

Eoghan, who claims he hasn’t much cycling experience took to twitter to let his followers know that he was feeling the burn.

“To the tune of Crazy World “theeeese are the cheeks of an aching arse” 1st 100km cycle done. Incredible scenery!,” he tweeted.


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