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Robert De Niro brands Donald Trump a ‘monster’ outside New York trial

Robert De Niro has branded Donald Trump a “monster” outside a New York court, where the former US President is standing trial.

On Tuesday, the court heard closing arguments in the case, where Trump is accused of falsifying business records to cover up hush money payments to Stormy Daniels.

Speaking to Sky News outside the court in Lower Manhattan, the actor, who is a longtime critic of Trump, called him a dangerous “clown” who will become a dictator for life if reelected as president.

De Niro, who has been campaigning to reelect US President Joe Biden, was joined by two former police officers who were at the Capitol riots on January 6, 2021.

The actor told reporters: “You know my view of Donald Trump, he’s a monster.

“He should not be allowed… listen – he cannot be president of the United States again, never, ever.”

“People know that, and many people know that and are afraid to say something, but people have to speak up now and say, and acknowledge to themselves that he’s a monster, and they might be afraid, but they’ve got to speak up.”

“This is the moment of truth for this country. Period.”

When asked what his biggest fear was surrounding the upcoming verdict in the trial, he said: “If it’s a hung jury or whatever it is, he’ll use it with his big mouth.”


“He’ll use it and say a bunch of stuff as usual, and the people like the ones behind us yelling [pro-Trump protesters], they’ll go ‘yeah, yeah, yeah’.

“But the fact is whether he is acquitted, whether it’s a hung jury, whatever, he is guilty and we all know that.

“I have never seen a guy get out of so many legal situations, and we all know this, get out when he shouldn’t have.”


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