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TV3 stars: 'If UTV Ireland are better than us then we're out'

UTV Ireland are set to launch their debut schedule for 2015, and the stars of TV3 have admitted they could be out if the new channel are better.

Ireland AM presenter Mark Cagney admitted that UTV Ireland are definitely their competition, and said they will need to up their game.

“UTV is affecting Prime Time more than us. When you get new competition into the market it grows and then it’s up to you and how good you are.”

Tv3 Ireland Am 14

Worried: TV3 could be in trouble | BRIAN MCEVOY

“If you’re half as good as you think you should be OK. If they come in and raise he game then you raise yours and if we can’t, then we’re out,” he said.

“You live by the sword, you die by the sword. That’s the nature of our business.”

Speaking to the Irish Mirror, Alan Hughes said he isn’t worried about a rival version of Ireland AM.

Tv3 Ireland Am 22

Rival: Alan said UTV won’t be doing a breakfast show | BRIAN MCEVOY

“I can’t see them doing a breakfast show or anything near it for many years down the line.”

“Because if RTE can’t even do it at this stage UTV are certainly not going to do it in their


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