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EXCLUSIVE! Stephen Gately's husband wants to SUE internet trolls after online 'bullying'

The husband of tragic Stephen Gately has revealed he is willing to sue internet trolls – after feeling bullied online.

Andrew Cowles, who was Stephen’s partner for seven years, has been receiving vile messages on Twitter after Stephen’s brother Tony accused him of holding on to the Boyzone’s stars possessions.

“Msg to TROLLS: I’m not going to accept bullying,” Andy wrote on Twitter.

“I’ve suffered 5 years of abuse and new laws exist to prosecute, so and I shall report you!” he wrote.

Stephen Gately Stock Pix

Internet trolls: Andrew has been targeted online | VIPIRELAND.COM

Internet users turned against Andrew after Stephen’s family accused him of keeping Stephen’s things from them.

“I’m saddened that after five years I’m still dealing with the estate and unable to grieve privately,” he said this weekend.

“Needless to say the story was groundless and attempted to be SOLD to another paper a year ago. But has stirred up a lot of vileness.”

“It’s particularly difficult because I’m the administrator of the estate and must remain impartial. Some of the insinuations are dreadful.


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