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Colin Farrell vows to specially jet home to Ireland to vote for same-sex marriage

Hollywood star Colin Farrell has vowed to specially jet home to Ireland to vote for same-sex marriage.

The Phone Booth actor last week spoke out on Claire Byrne Live about why he is fully behind a yes vote.

The Dubliner said it was “grossly unfair” that his brother Eamon couldn’t wed in Ireland and was forced to marry in Canada.

Now Eamon has said that his brother plans to continue pressuring for a yes vote – and will take a break from filming to be home for the referendum in May.

He said: “Colin will continue to fight for my right to marry Steven, and will be home to vote yes.”

Colin has first hand experience of same-sex relationships being by brother Eamon’s side when he married Steven Mannion in Canada.

Steven Mannion exhibition at Saison

Brotherly love: Eamon Farrell and husband Steven | VIPIRELAND.COM

He said: “To see them every day live their lives as a happily married couple is an amazing thing.

“And to think that they had to leave their own country to do that, is sad and disappointing and just grossly unfair I feel.”


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