A new book has claimed that Queen Elizabeth II said Donald Trump was “very rude” following their meeting.
The late Queen, who hosted the ex-US president twice during her reign, is said to have “particularly disliked” the way he looked over her shoulder as if “in search of others more interesting.”
It was also reported that the monarch commented on his relationship with his wife Melania and said she believed they must have “some sort of arrangement.”

Craig Brown made the astonishing claims in his new book, A Voyage Around The Queen, which is being serialised in the Daily Mail.
Craig reported the conversation occurred at a lunch “weeks after” one of Mr Trump’s visits.
In his final serialisation instalment today, the author writes: “Over the course of her reign, Her Majesty entertained many controversial foreign leaders, including Bashar al-Assad, Robert Mugabe, Idi Amin, Donald Trump, Emperor Hirohito and Vladimir Putin.”

“She may not have found their company convivial; upon their departure, she may even have voiced a discreet word of disapproval.”
“A few weeks after President Trump’s visit, for instance, she confided in one lunch guest that she found him ‘very rude’: she particularly disliked the way he couldn’t stop looking over her shoulder, as though in search of others more interesting.”
“She also believed President Trump ‘must have some sort of arrangement’ with his wife Melania, or else why would she have remained married to him?”

“For his part, Donald Trump was confident he had been her favourite guest ever. ‘There are those that say they have never seen the Queen have a better time, a more animated time,’ he later told America’s Fox News.”
He gushed to the outlet about his ‘”great relationship with the Queen”, saying: “We were laughing and having fun. And her people said she hasn’t had so much fun in 25 years.”
“Then I got criticised for it because they said we were having too much fun… I feel I know her so well and she certainly knows me very well right now, but we have a very good relationship with the United Kingdom.”