Vogue Williams has recalled the “embarrassing” comment she made about Colin Farrell on Late Late Show.
TV host and number-one podcaster Vogue Williams joined Patrick to discuss her new podcast, Never Live it Down.
Vogue also spoke about her recent tour with Joanne McNally, and her delight following her husband Spencer Matthews’s summertime world record-breaking.

On Friday night, Patrick teased Vogue about her and Joanna’s love for Colin Farrell.
“We know that you and Joanne are big fans of Colin Farrell is that right?
Patrick continued: “We have some of the stuff you’ve said about Colin, do you fancy sharing any of them?”
Vogue laughed as she read out Joanna’s comment from their podcast: “If I was going to ride anyone sober, it would be Colin Farrell, there.”
“And if Joanne is too busy, I’m also available.”

TV host and number-one podcaster Vogue Williams joined Patrick to discuss her new podcast, Never Live it Down.
Previously discussing the premise of the new podcast, the Irish star said, “It’s me interviewing different guests and just really funny people.”
“It’s about interviewing people, asking them questions that they wouldn’t normally get asked, so it’s been really good so far; I have had a few good guests, loads of really amazing people lined up.”
She continued: “There a lot of talk about times you have found yourself feeling embarrassed, different things, questions you’d never be asked during an interview, and it kind of takes the interview on a completely different path.”

“I have had a few comedians on so far, and obviously, their stories are just completely wild, so it’s just been such a laugh to do that.”
The 38-year-old confessed her love for podcasting, as she can be as nosey as she likes: “I love podcasting. I really enjoy it. I love chatting with people.”
“I am so incredibly nosey, and this is a way for me to be even nosier.”
“When you’re doing podcasts, you’re just sitting having a conversation. That’s why I love it so much. Obviously, there is a lot of research that goes into it, but that’s the part I really enjoy as well. It’s kind of like a dream job.”

Vogue confessed that sometimes she can overshare on her podcasts but believes that is the beauty of editing: “There are a lot of things I say that I’m like, aw, god, I shouldn’t have gone that far, but I think when you’re podcasting, it’s better to say everything that you want to say.”
“I listen back to all the episodes, so say it while you’re there and go with the edit and trim it.”
Vogue currently has two other podcasts, My Therapist Ghosted Me, which she hosts with Joanne McNally and her podcast with her husband Spencer Matthews, Spencer & Vogue.
Since launching in April 2021, the My Therapist Ghosted Me podcast has been racing towards 100 episodes and now reaches 3.5 million listeners per month with its guaranteed laugh-out-loud content.
Spencer & Vogue allows listeners to become a fly on the wall to Spencer & Vogue’s marriage, listening in every week as they chat about what’s been going on in their lives.