A church in Galway offering drive-through blessings on Ash Wednesday has made headlines in the US.
St. Patrick’s Church in Glenamaddy had queues of busy morning drivers lined up outside the church to receive their ashes.
Parish priest Father Paddy Mooney said the church opened the drive-through blessing to help families and parishioners who were unable to attend mass.
Drive-thru blessing: St. Patrick’s speedy Ash Wednesday blessing was reported on CNN | FACEBOOK
The parish thought of the drive-thru for the sick, those with difficulty walking, people driving to work or families on their way to school.
CNNÂ reported on the innovative idea and said, “a church in Ireland decided to do something a little different to meet the needs of their on-the-go members – a drive-thru Ash Wednesday service.”
Parish secretary Breda Keaveney said yesterday’s speedy blessings were a great success and told the Irish Independent “there was just a wonderful atmosphere.”
“We were trying to reach people on the go and for some reason not able to attend Mass. We are very, very pleased.”
Parishioners will review the event to consider if it should be repeated next year.