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First Look: Jessy confronts Joey Essex about his treatment of ex Grace

Joey Essex ruffles some feathers in tonight’s juicy Love Island game of “Game, Sex, Match.”

When Grace chooses Josh after being asked who they think their partner would be most likely to couple up with outside of their current match, Joey is quick to say: “I feel like if Grace was being totally honest she would’ve written my name.”

To which Grace replies: “Stop trying to mix the pot, it’s so boring”

From ITV
Episode 42

As the game plays out, tensions continue to rise, as Jessy reveals of Joey: “He doesn’t like me being friends with Grace.”

Matilda adds: “It’s giving Joey’s not over the situation with Grace…you’re so bothered about it.”

Over on the day beds, Jessy and Joey head for a chat to discuss the dramatic fallout from the day’s challenge.

From ITV

Jessy admits: “It was the whole bringing up you and Grace again. I just thought it was completely unnecessary, I was embarrassed because of how bothered you were”

Speaking of their friendship Joey says: “It’s hard enough having an ex walking around the Villa, let alone being best friends with the girl you’re coupled up with.”

He adds: “You’re best friends with a girl who I do feel has strong feelings for me, it’s very weird. I feel like she has latched on to you, because she can’t have me”

From ITV

As Jessy quips back: “This is a red flag for me. How can you treat someone you had feelings for in that way…. You didn’t care how I felt”

But with the conversation getting heated, will Joey and Jessy be able to squash things, or will tensions continue to rise?

And when Joey later goes to chat to Grace at the Fire Pit, how will things play out?


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