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Outrage as festival refuses to ban artist who murdered his girlfriend

Their is public outcry after Papillons de Nuit festival added an artist to their line-up who has been convicted of murdering his partner.

Bertrand Cantat murdered his girlfriend, French actress Marie Trintignant, in a hotel room in 2003 while he was on tour in Lithuania.

Marie was found with severe brain injuries and the lead-singer subsequently served time for her vicious murder.

He was released after serving only half of his eight year sentence.

The Guardian report that the court hear Cantat “hit Trintignant repeatedly in the head and waited for several hours before calling emergency services. She died in hospital.”

#MarieTrintignant ❤????

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When he regained his freedom in 2007, Cantat returned to performing.

The festival takes place in Normandy this May but festival goers and the wider public are horrifed that the festival is endorsing an artist convicted of murdering his girlfriend

The former lead singer of Noir Desir has outraged and disgusted French festival goers by appearing on the line-up as they feel it endorses domestic violence.

Music fans were further horrified by the response the festival gave when their request to cancel the performance, of the man who had committed such an abhorrent crime, was declined.

“We consider that our only criteria should be artistic.”

This is not the first wave of disgust Cantat has caused since his release, in a tasteless decision last year, French magazine Les Inrockuptibles, placed the convicted murderer on the cover of their October issue.

They later apologised and the French edition of Elle dedicated their

A petition calling for the artist to be banned has amassed over 67,000 signatures.

NME translated the petition from French.

“By inviting Bertrand Cantat, you condone domestic violence and violence against women,”

“Children, teenagers, men and women will participate in your festival: more than 70,000 people will be present. Young people who will grow up with the idea that, men who will leave your festival with the idea that, women who will listen to music with the idea that: That a man can kill women and quietly play music for thousands of spectators.”

“That a man can kill women, spend a few months in prison and then be applauded, cheered and admired.”

“Violence against women can not be eradicated from our society as long as festivals like yours but also film festivals, TV shows, or any other major events reward and invite murderers, rapists or criminals to be acclaimed and presented to the public as idols.”

You can sign here.


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