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Angela Scanlon looks back at the last 50 years of Ireland in the Eurovision

Just as Molly Sterling has jetted out to Vienna to compete for a place in the Eurovision, RTÉ will showcase a special documentary celebrating 50 years since Ireland first entered the Eurovision the song contest.

TV presenter Angela Scanlon will take a look back at the sequinned gowns, power ballads, the bearded lady, the singing turkey and more.

Ireland has won more the Eurovision more than any country and has catapulted a career for a number of entrants such as Johnny Logan, Dana, Linda Martin and more.


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But the controversial contest has divided the nation on occasion with some major disappointments and embarrassing performances.

To celebrate the momentous anniversary, Angela Scanlon will delve into the archives to take a look back at some of the best and worst moments.

Ireland and the Eurovision – The Good, The Bad and The Mad, Angela will explore the changes that have taken place over the years since Butch Moore performed for Ireland for the very first year in 1965.


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