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Prince Harry skips royal tradition to avoid upsetting Meghan Markle

Prince Harry has skipped a royal tradition in order to avoid upsetting Meghan Markle.

The couple visited Balmoral Castle this summer, where it is said that Prince Harry skipped a family tradition for his new wife.

The pair reportedly joined other members of the royal family at the castle over the August bank holiday weekend.

While some members of the royal family went grouse hunting, Harry reportedly did not attend.

Meghan is a known animal rights activist and this isn’t the first time the prince has skipped hunting traditions for her.

The 33-year-old also didn’t take part in his family’s Christmas hunting tradition as he did not want to upset Meghan.

Credit: John Rainford/

Meanwhile, fans of the royal family were outraged when they realised that Prince George, aged five, was brought on the hunting tradition at the bank holiday weekend.



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