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Rob Kenny reveals the heartbreaking reason that he’s quit smoking

Boots pharmacies have launched a #stopforgood campaign to help smokers quit forever.

Influencer Rob Kenny and DJ Tara Stewart are leading the way with the campaign and showcasing to others how they too can stop smoking.

While chatting to Rob about this new journey he is going on, we asked why he is quitting smoking.

He said “Well of course, you know, all of the obvious health reasons, again when you’re in your twenties they don’t seem hugely important to you.”

“Since I’ve been talking with the Boots guys and really learning about the detrimental effects of smoking to your health, you get that sinking feeling.” he continued.

Rob then stated the personal reason that he is quitting the cigarettes for good, “And then personally as well, actually my nana died of lung cancer a couple of years ago and of course I loved her to bits.”

“So I’ve always felt so guilty smoking since then. When it dawns on me and I’m having a cigarette, my nana died of lung cancer I just have this overwhelming feeling of guilt.”

“So all of those combined it’s the perfect time for me to team up with Boots and really leave the cigarettes behind.”

If you are looking to quit smoking and need help, head

Check out the Daily Goss below to see the full interview:


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